
Getting Started with Reseller Hosting

Are you thinking of reselling hosting services to your clients? Find out how you can get started in this venture.

Web hosting resellers have the opportunity to earn passive income and more opportunities for revenues. Hosting entrepreneurs can install and manage the back-end interface of emails, websites, and domain management. The reseller wants additional earnings but simply don’t have the time or expertise to build a website. This means becoming an affiliate of the hosting provider. Hosting companies enable members to market their hosting and generate profit from the sale.

How do you become a reseller?

  • Look for a dependable and qualified hosting firm from among the numerous providers in the market.
  • Get hold of a reseller package that will give you the opportunity to make money. Review the contract’s terms and conditions thoroughly, confidentiality clause, and provisions before getting the package. Choose providers who offer no less than 100% of their sales.
  • Accomplish the form and supply all the necessary details including payment for membership.
  • Come up with a business website to promote your services to potential clients and get paid immediately.
  • Hire an expert in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) who will optimize your site taking into consideration the tight competition. The initiative includes production of informative content, using the right keywords and keyword phrases, online advertising, and effective social media networking.

Alternatives for Reseller Hosting

To begin with, reseller hosting is affordable and straightforward. You can handle several clients with a single control panel provided they are allowed to implement changes and provide updates. Most of these inexperienced entrepreneurs will depend on experts for technical matters including set-up and modifications. As a result, resellers can charge more for extra personalized services.

Virtual Private Server or VPS refers to the simulation of a computer system marketed as a service by Internet hosting suppliers. The VPS operates a copy of the operating system or OS with clients gaining access and install any software compatible with that system. This kind of hosting represents a simulated part or segment of a bigger core server connection. This node is frequently a potent dedicated server divided into several virtual environments.

You can turn into a reseller on VPS plans although such accounts are normally designed for development alone due to limited resources compared to other packages. Even then, VPS serves as a changeover from reselling to that of dedicated server which permits users to employ the resources of one server. With dedicated servers, the company that owns the data hub operates the equipment but the reseller has exclusive rights to use the apparatus. With managed data servers, the data facility is accountable for repair and upkeep.

Operating a Reseller Enterprise

Make sure you have ample time to conduct research and learn the complete scope of this venture if you are not familiar with the aspects of website hosting, domain services, and email management. Most designers and coding specialists believe reselling enables them to have complete control of clients’ online presence as well as management. This business entails a little starting capital, efficiency, and diligence. Some of the requirements include the following:

  • Dependable desktop computer with stable Internet connection and laptop so you can also work from remote locations.
  • Dedicated business phone line for making calls and receiving inquiries.
  • Occupational license, business permits, and tax requirements.
  • Bank account and debit card or credit card.
  • Small work station in your residence.

Choose the Appropriate Hosting Plan for Resellers

Make wise decisions to get hold of across-the-board server resources. Focus on the features and advantages you plan to offer before investing funds. Purchasing volume resources means getting substantial discounts that lead to more revenues and possible profits. Trustworthy sources normally ensure consistent service while very cheap plans can produce a lot of downsides.

Your packages must be different from what the competition offers. Put yourself in the place of customers to see the overall picture. Try to include more perks which competitors usually give at an extra cost. For example, you might want to consider including Search Engine Optimization in the hosting service, while adjusting the pricing without letting on that there’s an additional expense to this feature. Brand and hype your enterprise to demonstrate professionalism and impress prospective customers. You can make use of free advertising credits from certain reseller hosting packages which permit your patrons to endorse their businesses through the leading social media sites.

Competent Web Hosts

Veteran resellers will tell you to opt for a hosting plan based on the available funds and number of clients you expect to generate within the next three years or so. You must get a resourceful web host which could possibly be the most decisive step. See to it the company has a sound track record. Do your online research diligently and find out the top performers in the industry. Companies with datacenters can communicate better than those without a network of computer systems.

In this business, support, maintenance, and security are crucial. Adept web hosting providers have the capacity to work and monitor their activities on a round-the-clock basis. Along this line, check out the following capabilities that reliable web hosts must possess:

  • 24/7 and 365-day support
  • Support for platforms such as Linux and Windows
  • Variety of software systems like a functional control panel (cPanel) or management software for accounting and billing (WHMCS) as well as development tools
  • Affordable monthly plan with trouble-free payment options

Settle on a cost-effective pricing structure, which can be one of the most complicated aspects you must consider. Bear in mind that you compete with other providers who can offer significantly lower prices while others may charge prohibitive fees. Study different pricing structures and determine your available resources. Consider the cost of servers, operational expenses, and other factors. Besides, websites that require Standards Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates for e-commerce purposes impose higher rates just like companies that require more bandwidth and space.

What is the Web Hosting Platform?

It’s the core cluster of technologies that function collectively enabling all the services a business requires to operate in the digital age. These include the following:

  • Business-class E-mail Hosting: This delivers premium spam and virus protection, secure and private e-mail, 99.9997% guaranteed delivery rate, and 100% uptime.
  • Secure Business Web Hosting: This refers to fast web servers, a friendly hosting panel to manage multiple websites, and peace of mind knowing your website is protected by the latest technologies against attacks and hackers.
  • Enterprise Domain Names Services (DNS): Fast, powerful and secure DNS spread out across the globe using a reliable network technology. Built-in DNS security offers DDoS protection for domain resolution, built-in load-balancing, automatic failover and DNSSEC. All managed through a user-friendly management portal removing the technical barriers of entry to SMB and small enterprise customers.
  • Multi-layered Security Services: It protects global networks, data centers, and customer hosted services against attack. It is essential to continue investing in the latest cutting edge security technologies which ensure any attacks are stopped at the perimeter and never make it inside your networks. 
  • Backups and Disaster Recovery: Qualified hosting firms operate 100’s of Terabytes of backups comprising of all of the services and customers’ data on a 7 nightly, 4 weekly and 4 monthly backups. That’s 15 backups which are rotated and spread out across two geographically dispersed regions in case of a disaster in one region. The Disaster Recovery plan outlines restoring all services for an impacted region within 4 hours.
  • 24/7/365 Monitoring & Support: All the above services cannot be possible without the hardworking and dedicated staff that can monitor, troubleshoot and support customers.

Major benefits for clients of this latest hosting upgrade include new control panel specifically for hosting functions as well as a brand-new client management area. They are also entitled to additional services (FREE of charge) such as Security Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates

Unlimited Mailbox Size

A mailbox size that has no limits is considered a very useful feature since users don’t need to clean up their emails to accommodate incoming messages. Two additional resources that service providers can bill as extras are Disk Space and Bandwidth. This is usually made after users have consumed their plan allocations.

Bandwidth is the amount of information passing through the Internet connection from the hosted services out to the Internet.  Disk space refers to the amount of data being stored on the hosting. Both of these resources are measured in megabytes (MB), kilobytes (KB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB). The standard (flat) fee is $0.002/MB for bandwidth and $0.005/MB for disk space.

It is important to add more fiber capacity together with top-notch security to protect the online properties of users from cyber-attacks and ransom ware. The latter is malicious software that blocks access to computer systems for data kidnapping or lock screen attacks.

Web hosts must not stop in conducting research and development initiatives to improve clients’ user-experience. The goal should be to develop cutting-edge technology that will guarantee flawless business operations.


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